Frequently asked questions

Rental / Contract

Unfortunately, this is only possible if you have been working as an independent entrepreneur for at least one year. As an entrepreneur, you must be in possession of an annual account, a profit and loss account and a balance sheet for at least one year.

Have you been self-employed for at least one year? Then you must meet the requirement of a gross monthly income of four times the monthly rent. A standard security deposit of two times the monthly rent will be required.

For more information about our allocation criteria and working method, please visit

We have a website especially for our tenants:

On this site you will find forms, contact details and other information.

The rent is increased annually on the 1th of July within the applicable statutory regulations.

You will be notified of this rent increase by letter 2 months in advance.

Whether you are eligible for rent allowance depends primarily on your income. The lower the income, the higher the premium amount. Other important factors that determine the level of the rent allowance are your age, the level of the rent and service costs and the composition of your household. If you are eligible for rent allowance, we can not count that amount as income.

For more information we refer you to the tax authorities,

You enter into a rental agreement for a minimum of 12 months. After this year, the contract can be terminated on a monthly basis. One full calendar month's notice will be taken into account.

Via vb&t you will be invited for the key transfer, which will take place around the starting date of the tenancy agreement. If the commencement date is not a working day, the key transfer will take place on the next possible working day. The keys may never be handed over by the former tenant to the new tenant without the intervention of vb&t.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to act as a guarantor or to rent for someone else. You can read more about this on our 'Allocation and procedure' page. Of course, any requested deposit may be paid by someone else.

The tenancy agreement stipulates which repair work is the responsibility of the tenant (Art. 11). Other matters are for the owner.

If all signatories have signed the agreement, everyone will receive an e-mail containing the rental agreement and general terms and conditions.
These are for your own administration. No paper copy will be issued.

A deposit is standard for some properties. In the case of residences where this is not the case, a deposit will be requested if:

  • you do not meet the income requirements as set by us;

  • you do meet the income requirements, but by adding your own assets;

  • you obtain your income (partly) from your (own) assets;

  • you are working as a self-employed person, whether or not without staff;

  • you are in the probationary period of an employment contract;

  • you have an employment contract for a definite period;

  • you come from abroad and a credit check is not possible.

The first (one and a half) month's rent and any security deposit must be paid before the keys are handed over.

With effect from 1 January 2022, a new Housing Regulation (HVV) will come into force. This regulation contains new rules regarding the granting and taking into use of housing accommodation and changing the composition of the housing stock. The purpose of this regulation is to improve the distribution of rental housing with a lower rent. It allows a municipality to designate rental properties for which a housing permit must be applied for. Without holding a housing permit, the house may not be rented. A number of municipalities in the Netherlands work with a housing permit, including The Hague and Amsterdam.

We distinguish between different scenarios

1. House sold:
The surplus value or residual debt, if any, is examined. If a residual debt remains, 5% of this amount is calculated as interest per month and deducted from the gross monthly income. If there is a surplus value, this may be counted as equity.

2. House purchase is retained
The monthly mortgage amount is deducted from the gross monthly income.

3. Purchasing house is taken over by the ex-partner with a signed divorce agreement

If there is a divorce agreement which states that the prospective tenant is no longer jointly and severally liable for the mortgage, this does not have to be included in the calculation of the income requirement.

This depends on the rules applied by the client. In most cases, we rent out properties intended only for "common durable households". This means that the property is intended only for the tenant and their household. It is not possible, for example, to add a child, brother, sister-in-law or niece as a co-tenant/contractor to the tenancy agreement. This is because in such a case, there is often no permanent joint household, even if they share living and housing costs. In such a form of kinship between two individuals, it often happens that at some point, one of them will leave the house and the cohabitation situation comes to an end.

After performing verification with iDEAL or iDIN, you should return to the signing process. There are a number of reasons why your PC or other device does not successfully return you to our environment.

Smartphone / tablet:

  • The process is done on a smartphone with a different browser than the default browser. Check your device settings to find out the default browser.

  • The process is started in an in-app browser. This happens, for example, with links opened from the Gmail app. If this is the case, copy the link from the email and paste it directly into your default browser.


  • The cause may be that the PC is protected with a virus scanner, such as Kasperky which handles all banking in a separate secure browser. In this case, we recommend turning off the virus scanner or running the process on a different device.

Can't complete the signing process successfully?
Try it on another device or contact the organisation that sent you the signing request.

Property tax is a tax for homeowners. As a tenant, you do not have to pay Property Tax. Landlords are also not allowed to pass on Property Tax to tenants.

We want to make sure you are going to sell your current home, which is why an order for services from a selling broker is required. We also ask for an annual statement of mortgage debt and the WOZ assessment or a recent valuation report.

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